Let’s Get this Party Started – Chemo Session 1

It may seem odd that I was chomping at the bit to get highly toxic chemical poured into my heart, but my head was so painful that I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time. The primary tumor in the tonsil was pushing on my ear. It caused a horrible ear pain that kept me awake at night. With each passing day, the pain seemed to intensify.  My voice was going. My throat was in terrible pain, even with the mild narcotic. I really wanted relief. Dr. Rodrigues said I might feel relief from the 1st session. I felt relief the first night.
From diagnosis on July 6 to first treatment starting on July 18 was actually a remarkably short period of time. It just felt like forever. I started a cancer diary to share with my doctor. Here’s the entry for July 18:

ChemoTherapy 1st Session

Nurse Ethel at the Cancer START center sets up my “Christmas Tree” of infusin bags.

1st Day At Start Cancer Center
Feeling a little aprehensive on the 1st Day At Start Cancer Center.

7/18/2012 Day 1 at the Cancer Start Center (Wednesday)

Arrived at 9 a.m., stayed until nearly 6 p.m.

The day was uneventful. A little pain when Ethel accessed the port. Nothing else noteworthy. I just reclined in the chair, listened to audio books and went to the water closet a lot.

Food: I ate a bowl of oatmeal with raisins before leaving home. I ate two bowls of rice porridge – one at the center and one when I got home.

Activity: I went walking in the morning before treatment. Nothing in the evening as we got home too late.